By becoming a Planned Giving Partner your institution is always at the top of our list, as a worthy recipient of gifting by Apostolic Financial Advisors, LLC clients. We work directly with development directors and planned giving officers in the hopes of increasing their fund raising efforts.
How does a partnership work?
The Advisor, in conjunction with an independent, faithful, Catholic attorney will assist your development director with their capital raising efforts. Apostolic Financial Advisors, LLC can coordinate seminars and/or information sessions to current and potential donors on estate planning and planned giving strategies. Apostolic Financial Advisors, LLC and our Catholic attorney partner will always make ourselves available as information resources to you and your donors. Services (that are within reason) are provided to the institution free of charge. Apostolic Financial Advisors, LLC and our faithful Catholic attorney partner hope to earn fees through the development of plans for new donors and the management of their assets.
Why partner with Apostolic Financial Advisors, LLC ?
Sadly, there are many Catholic dioceses, colleges, and religious orders that invest with or receive council from advisors and managers that aren’t even Catholic. Living in a society that has become increasingly hostile toward not only Catholics, but Christianity in general, it is imperative that we align ourselves with people who share our same faith system.
Offer your employees access to personalized asset management, comprehensive financial planning, retirement, and education planning from an experienced faith filled advisor that offers advice without conflicts of interest. Allow employees to align their faith with all aspects of their lives.
Portfolios are managed according to an agreed upon investment policy statement; outlining specific Values Based Investment screening required by the institution. With over 20 years of investment experience on Wall Street, the Advisor has long standing relationships with outside sub-advisors, who are available for complex investment strategies.