For Catholic Individuals

Asset Management

Portfolio construction consisting of broad diversification over multiple asset classes. Target weightings are given to various investments with periodic rebalancing. Portfolios are structured according to risk tolerance and investment objective of the individual. Investments are chosen based on the client’s chosen investment philosophy (SRI, MRI, and TFI). A typical portfolio might consist of mutual funds, individual securities, and ETF’s. Although Apostolic Financial Advisors, LLC  makes every attempt to fulfill the chosen investment philosophy, it is possible that specific investments might not meet VBI criteria (in order to satisfy diversification requirements).


Comprehensive Catholic Financial Planning

Personal budgeting from a Catholic prospective. How are you spending the money that you earn? Are you making ends meet? Let’s make a simple plan with some realistic and achievable goals to make your life more spiritually fulfilling. Plans are personalized to meet the individual’s needs and wants. Household balance sheet creation and household cash flow analysis are available.


Catholic Education Planning

Advisement on and/or management of Coverdell ESA’s, Custodial accounts, and 529 plans. Financing options for Catholic primary, Catholic secondary, and Catholic college education costs. Basic strategies for circumnavigating the federal financial aid application process in the hopes of maximizing your likelihood of receiving aid. Why are all Catholic colleges and universities not created equal?



Retirement Planning

Apostolic Financial Advisors, LLC can help individuals achieve realistic retirement goals without compromising their Catholic faith and moral belief system. Utilizing simple Time Value of Money concepts with basic return and inflation assumptions, investments will be structured to increase the likelihood of success. Management of personal retirement assets (IRA’s, Roth IRA’s, 401K’s, Qualified Company Retirement Plan Rollovers, Small Company Retirement Plans). Have you recently left or changed jobs? Let Apostolic Financial Advisors, LLC  assist you in rolling over your assets into a diversified portfolio that is in line with your religious beliefs.


Estate Planning and Stewardship

Advisement on estate planning strategies in order to minimize taxes and increase giving opportunities to deserving Catholic institutions, apostolates, organizations, and charities. Apostolic Financial Advisors, LLC is not a law firm and does not have an attorney on staff. Any legal work resulting from Apostolic Financial Advisors, LLC  advisement is done by faithful Catholic attorneys who are independent of Apostolic Financial Advisors, LLC .


Elder Planning

Advisement on rudimentary elder planning issues such as wills, living wills, health proxies, and revocable trusts. End of life issues from a Catholic prospective. Legacy planning and Catholic education planning for grandchildren.